[ Philip Carteret Webb, antiquary. ] Autograph Signature to part of Exchequer receipt.

Philip Carteret Webb (1702-1770), antiquary and barrister, Crown Agent in the North Briton (John Wilkes) scandal, 1763
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 27 January 1756.

Good firm signature ('Philip Carteret Webb') on damaged leaf of paper with heavy wear to corners and edges, carrying a printed Exchequer receipt for £45, made out to Webb.

[ Sir John Cope of Hanwell. ] Part of Exchequer receipt for £600,000, signed by 'J Cope'.

Sir John Cope of Hanwell, 5th Baronet (1634-1721), MP for Banbury
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 11 March 1717.

Part of printed Exchequer receipt, on one side of a trimmed-down 10 x 17.5 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with wear to one corner. Made out to Cope, 'in Repayment of Loan on the late Vote of Credit passed the 5th Day of March, 1716, for 600000 l. to be repaid out of the first Aid to be granted this Session of Parliament', for 'Services of the Publick by Sea and Land'. Signed on reverse: '11th March 1717 | Reced in full | J Cope', with 'Witness | J Miller'.

[ Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, as 'Attorney to the Mayor & Comonality of the Borough of Helston assignes of Charles Godolphin Esqr'.

Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin (1678-1766)
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer. 7 July 1732.

Printed Exchequer receipt made out in manuscript to 'Francis Earl of Godolphin - Attorney to the Mayor & Comonality of the Borough of Helston assignee of Charles Godolphin Esqr'. On one side of a trimmed-down leaf, 14 x 14.5 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol, and Sir Henry Furnese, merchant and politician. ] Autograph Signatures ('Hervey' and 'Henry Furnese') on reverse of part of Exchequer receipt.

John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol (1665-1751); Sir Henry Furnese, 1st Baronet (1658-1712) of Waldershare, Kent, merchant and politician; George Wanley.
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 15 June 1710.

Part of printed Exchequer receipt, on one side of 18 x 17.5 cm piece of paper, titled 'Sir Henry Furnese Bar. in Repayment of Loan on the Twelfth 4s. Aid, Anno 1709.' In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. On the reverse, in a clerk's hand: 'I doe hereby Assigne and transfer all my Right Title and Interest of the within order and talley thereto belonging to the Right Honble. John Lord Hervey or his Assigns'. Signed 'Henry Furnese', and beneath this, in the hand of Lord Hervey (he was created Earl of Bristol in 1714): 'June 15 1710 | Recd the Contents | Hervey'.

[ Anne Godolphin, Lady Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('A: Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, with signature of witness 'W Noble'.

Lady Anne Godolphin [ born Anne Marie FitzWilliam ] (1722-1802), Lady Godolphin, wife of Francis Godolphin (1706-1785), 2nd Baron Godolphin [ Lord Godolphin ]
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. January 1791.

1p., 8vo. Printed Exchequer receipt for £25, headed 'Annuities 3700l. per Week', made out to 'Lady Godolphin | Assignee'. In fair condition, on aged paper worn and creased at extremities.

[ Lord Whitworth, British diplomat. ] Manuscript Exchequer receipt for £2000, signed by 'Chas: Whitworth' ('Lord Whitworth Ambassador and Plenipotentiary at Cambray'), in the hand of the witness 'Tho: Lowther'.

Charles Whitworth, 1st Baron Whitworth [ Lord Whitworth ] (1675-1725), British diplomat [ Thomas Lowther; Court of Exchequer, London ]
Publication details: 
Court of Exchequer, London. 5 March 1724.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Headed 'Recordr 4 Mar'. Begins: 'Recd of the Rt. Honble the Lord William Powlett one of the four Tellers of the Recet of his Majys Excheqr the Sum of Two Thousand pounds in farther Parte of an Order dated the 18 day of ffebry 1724'.

[ Abraham Newland, Chief Cashier of the Bank of England. ] Autograph Signature ('A Newland') on part of Exchequer receipt

Abraham Newland (1730-1807), Chief Cashier of the Bank of England, 1782-1807, whose name became a nickname for a banknote
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 23 July 1785.

On one side of a trimmed-down piece of paper, 19.5 x 12 cm. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Record a payment of £20 to 'Abrah Newland Cashier appointd by the Court of Chancery to receive the Acct of Thos Anguish Esqr Acct Generl of the said Court Assee'.

[ Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere. ] Autograph Signature ('Vere.') on part of Exchequer receipt.

Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere (1699-1781), known as Lord Vere Beauclerk until 1750, British peer and politician
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 27 July 1764.

Part of printed receipt made out to Vere, on one side of a trimmed-down 18 x 12.5 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Recording the receipt of £42 10s 0d, on behalf of 'Lady Vere & Hble Aubrey Beauclerk'.

[ William Digby, 5th Baron Digby. ] Autograph Signature ('Digby') to an Exchequer receipt.

William Digby, 5th Baron Digby (1661-1752), Irish peer
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 30 April 1716.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with heavy chipping and wear at head and two holes to text, but signature clear and clean. Laid out in the usual style, with printed text competed in manuscript. Recording the receipt by Digby of £2 15s 10d, on an annuity. Filled in by the witness, whose signature is illegible.

[ Wolf Van Hemert, Dutch merchant in London. ] Autograph Signature ('Wolfert van Hemert'), as attorney to 'Herman VAnder Keere, & Adriaen Verstolk', to Exchequer receipt.

Wolfert van Hemert [ Wolf Van Hemert ] (1703-1786), Dutch merchant in London [ Herman Vander Keer; Adriaen Verstolk ]
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 28 September 1765.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with damage and loss along one edge (not affecting signature). Set out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): 'Annuity for Life, 1746. | Record' [24 Septr. 1765] | Received the [28] Day of [Septr.] 176[5] by me [Wolf Van Hemert Atty to Herman Vander Heere, & Adriaen Verstolk'. Recording a payment of £45 on an annuity. Witness signature of ' Newland'. Van Hemert was born in Amsterdam and is buried in Austin Friars churchyard, London, with a memorial to him inside the church. London.

[ William Clayton, 1st Baron Sundon. ] Autograph Signature ('Sundon'), on part of an Exchequer receipt, 'in behalf of my Wife Ass. of Francis Dyre'.

William Clayton, 1st Baron Sundon [ William, Lord Sundon ] (1671-1752), politician, Paymaster of the King's Private Pensions
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 18 December 1741.

On 12.5 x 17 cm. piece of paper. Aged and worn at one edge, but signature and surrounds clear and strong. Records the receipt, by 'Wm Ld Sundon in behalf of my Wife Ass. of Francis Dyre', from an annuity.

[ Sir John Cope of Hanwell, 5th Baronet, and his son of the same name, 6th Baronet. ] Autograph Signatures ('Jo: Cope' and 'JCope') of the 5th and 6th Baronets, on a Treasury receipt.

Sir John Cope of Hanwell, 5th Baronet (1634-1721) and his son of the same namel, 6th Baronet (1673-1749)
Publication details: 
[ The Treasury, London. ] 13 February 1715 and 14 May and 3 July 1717.

On 14.5 x 16.5 piece of paper. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper. Laid out on the recto in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript, and being an order for payment on 13 February 1715 to 'Sr. John Cope Bart.' (i.e. the 5th Baronet), 'in Repayment of Loan on the Sixteenth 4 s. Aid, Anno 1716.' On the reverse is a cropped manuscript text, signed by the 5th Baronet 'Jo: Cope', assigning 'all my Right. Title & Interest. in this Order. Unto Sr John Cope Junr. Kt and to his Assignes', dated 14 May 1717.

[ Sir Robert Dashwood. ] Autograph Signature ('Robert Dashwood') to Exchequer receipt, as 'Assignee of Thomas ffountaine Esqr'.

Sir Robert Dashwood, 1st Baronet (1662-1734), Tory politician [ Thomas Fountaine ]
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 10 April 1712.

1p., on 22 x 17.5 cm. piece of paper. Aged and worn with slight loss and glue staining (not affecting the signature), and laid down on part of leaf cut from an album. The usual printed text, completed in manuscript, beginning (with manuscript text in square brackets): 'ankers Annuities out of 3700l. per Week Excise. | ecord' [2d Apr. 1712 ] | Numb. [1109. 33s: P Ann] | The [10th.] Day of [April] 17[12] | Received then by me [Sr. Robt. Dashwood Assignee of Thomas ffountaine Esqr] [...]'. Signed at foot by Dashwood and the witness 'Tho Bubb' (the latter stained).

[ Spencer Cowper, judge and Member of Parliament. ] Autograph Signature ('Spencer Cowper') to Exchequer receipt.

Spencer Cowper (1670-1728), judge and Member of Parliament, tried for the murder of Sarah Stout in 1699
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 6 May 1715.

1p., on 15 x 17.5cm. Aged and worn, with loss to edges, and laid down on part of a leaf removed from an album. The usual printed text, completed in manuscript, recording a payment of £25. Note: An account of the 1699 Sarah Stout murder trial, at which Cowper 'called expert medical testimony, including the famous physicians Samuel Garth and Hans Sloane, together with the anatomist William Cowper (not related)' is given in his entry in the Oxford DNB.

[ Sir Denis Dutry, Huguenot merchant and East India Company Director. ] Autograph Signature ('Denis Dutry') on Exchequer receipt, as assignee of Sir John Lethieuller.

Sir Denis Dutry [ Sir Dennis Dutry ], London Huguenot merchant, Director of the Honourable East India Company [ Sir John Lethieuller (1632/3-1719) ]
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 22 November 1720.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records a payment of £56 on an annuity by 'Sr. Denis Dutry assigne per Margent of Sr. John Lethieuller', with a reference to Lethieuller's annuity in the margin. Witnessed at foot by 'John '. Lethieuller has an entry in the Oxford DNB.

[ Mark Thurston, Accountant General of the Court of Chancery. ] Autograph Signature ('M Thurston | Acct Genl') on Exchequer receipt, on behalf of 'ye Assignee of Fra: Raquet'.

Mark Thurston, Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, 1731-1749
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 9 August 1734.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with chipping to extremities (and around signature). Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Thurston is described as 'Accomptt General to ye Court of Chancery Appointed to <?> for ye Assignee of Fra: Raquet', receiving £10 from an annuity. Signed at foot by the witness, 'E Clarke'.

[ Phillips Gybbon of Hole Park, Rolvenden, Whig Member of Parliament. ] Autograph Signature ('Phill: Gybbon') to Exchequer receipt.

Phillips Gybbon (1678-1762) of Hole Park, Rolvenden, Kent, Surveyor-General of the Land Revenues, 1726-1730; Lord of the Treasury, 1742-1744
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 24 October 1757.

1p., 8vo. . Aged and with particular wear to extremities. The usual printed text, completed in manuscript, with manuscript calculations in the right-hand margin. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): 'Annuities, 14 per Cent. | Record' [12o Oct. 1757] | Numb. | The [24th.] Day of [Oct.] 175[7] | Received by me [Phill: Gybbon, Assignee of John Gibbon & Ralph Snow Esqrs.] | Of the Honourable Thomas Townshend, Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [fifty six pounds] [...]'.

[ Ralph Verney, 2nd Earl of Verney. ] Autograph Signature ('Verney') on an Exchequer receipt, as 'the Attorney to Sr Thos. Cave Bart.'

Ralph Verney, 2nd Earl of Verney [ styled Viscount Fermanagh, 1743-1752 ] (1714-1791), British politician, Fellow of the Royal Society
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 3 August 1756.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with loss to one corner. Verney's signature is large and bold, with a few light ink stains over the last letter. The document is laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. It begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): 'The [3d] Day of [August] 175[6] | Received by me [Ralph Earl of Verney the Attorney to Sr Thos. Cave Bart Assignee as P Margin]'. Recording a payment of £147, on an annuity.

[ Henry Newport, Lord Newport. ] Autograph Signature ('Hen: Newport') to Exchequer receipt, on behalf of a number of individuals including 'ffrancess Earle'.

Henry Newport, Lord Newport (1683-1734)
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 1 October 1707.

1p., 8vo.. On aged and worn paper, with damage to edges. Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. The document records the receipt of £50 on an annuity, but the manuscript parts are hurriedly written by the witness '<?> Burton', and difficult to decipher.

[ James Brudenell, 5th Earl of Cardigan. ] Autograph Signature ('Brudenell') on manuscript Exchequer receipt.

James Brudenell, 5th Earl of Cardigan (1725-1811), Master of the Robes
Publication details: 
[ Court of Exchequer, London. ] 3 November 1779.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with particular wear along one edge (not affecting the signature). Records a payment of £5000. Signed by the witness, 'Gabriel Mathias', and made out in his hand. On the reverse, in light pencil in a nineteenth-century hand: 'Master of the Robes to his Majesty'. For more information on Brudenell, who was Master of the Robes to the Prince of Wales and to the King, 1758-1790, see his entry in the History of Parliament.

[ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett. ] Autograph Signature ('Poulett') on reverse of an Exchequer receipt.

John, Earl Poulett [ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett ] (1708-1764)
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 9 May 1761.

On 23.5 x 12cm. piece of paper. On aged and worn paper, with loss in from one edge towards head, but with good bold signature and surrounding writing unaffected. On the reverse of the document Poulett has written: '9. May 1761 | Recvd | Poulett'. Beside this is part of the signature of the witness, 'ary Creed'. On the front of the document is the usual printed text, completed in manuscript, directing the repayment of a loan of £1000, with interest at 4%.

[ Heneage Finch, 5th Earl of Winchilsea. ] Autograph Signature ('Winchilsea') to Exchequer receipt, as 'Executor of the Lady Coventry Assignee Sr Cha Dutton'.

Heneage Finch, 5th Earl of Winchilsea (1657-1726), Ambassador to the Porte and Member of Parliament, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 22 July 1713.

1p., 8vo. . Aged and worn, with some contemporary repair (from another Exchequer leaf), with the last letter of Winchilsea's signature cropped. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records the receipt of £18 from an annuity by 'Heneage Earle of Winchilsea (formerly calld Heneage Finch) Executor of the Lady Coventry assignee of Sr Cha Dutton'. With signature of witness 'Chas Rogers'.

[ Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, as assignee of Hugh Chudleigh.

Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin [ Viscount Rialton between 1706 and 1712 ] (1678-1766), nobleman and politician
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 5 July 1716.

On a 21 x 19 cm. piece of paper. On aged and worn paper, with wear along one edge (not affecting signature). Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records the receipt by 'ffra. Earl of Godolphin Ass Hugh Chudleigh' of £125 from an annuity. The customary calculations in the right-hand margin. At foot: 'Wittness | Jam Edwards | J Wingfield' (with 'g' and 'f' of second signature cropped).

[ Francis Wollaston, scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society. ] Autograph Signature ('Francis Wollaston') to Exchequer receipt, with reference to his children 'Mary, Francis & George Wollaston'.

Francis Wollaston (1694-1774), scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society, father of the author and astronomer Francis Wollaston (1731-1815)
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 22 July 1765.

1p., 8vo. On aged paper, with particular wear to one edge. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Good firm signature. Recording a payment of £150, on an annuity of £300 per annum, 'during the Life of [Mary, Francis & George Wollaston]' (his three surviving children, two others having died). Signed at the foot of the page, with the signature of the witness 'W Wright' beside it. In manuscipt on reverse: 'Paid 31 July 1765 | £1636 : 2 : 6'.

[ George, Lord Carpenter. ] Autograph Signature ('Carpenter.') to an Exchequer receipt, witnessed by 'J Boucher'.

George, Lord Carpenter [ Lieutenant-General George Carpenter, 1st Baron Carpenter ] (1657-1731), Governor of Minorca and Commander-in-chief of Army in Scotland who took surrender of 1715 Jacobites
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 11 April 1752.

1p., 8vo. On brittle, aged paper, with chipping to edges and loss to one corner and closed tear (not affecting signature. The usual printed text, with manuscript additions. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[11th] Day of [Aprill] 175[2] | Received by me [George Lord Carpenter] | Of the Honourable Thomas Townshend, Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Seven Pounds] | in full of all former Directions and for [6 -] Months Annuity, due at [lady day] last past, of [14] Pounds per Annum'.

[ Edmund Britiffe, Edmund Anguish, and George Grimston, Paymasters of Exchequer-Bills. ] Autograph Signatures ('E Britiffe | Edm: Anguish | Geo. Grimston') on part of an Exchequer receipt for £3500'.

Edmund Britiffe (c.1700-1770), Edmund Anguish (1702-1758), and George Grimston, Paymasters of Exchequer-Bills
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 20 December 1754.

On one side of an 18 x 17 cm. piece of paper. Laid out in the usual fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript.

[ Edward Garth-Turnour, 1st Earl Winterton. ] Autograph Signature ('Winterton') to an Exchequer receipt.

Edward Garth-Turnour, 1st Earl Winterton (1734-1788), Fellow of the Royal Society, Irish peer and parliamentarian
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 31 October 1781.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording a payment of £60, on an annuity of £120, to 'Edwd Earl Winterton Assignee'. Signed at the foot, beside the signature of the witness '


[ Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere. ] Autograph Signature ('Vere.') on Exchequer receipt.

Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere [ Lord Vere Beauclerk ] (1699-1781), grandson of King Charles II and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 8 January 1765.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and with particular wear to extremities. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. (The printed name of 'the Right Honourable James Earl Waldegrave, One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer' has been amended in manuscript to 'Ld Henley', and the change initaled 'W. C.') Recording payment of £42 16s 0d on an annuity of £85. Signed at end, with the signature of the witness ''.

[ Sir William Carew, Bart, of Antony, near Saltash, Cornwall. ] Autograph Signature ('W Carew') on Exchequer receipt.

Sir William Carew (1690-1744), 5th Baronet, of Antony, near Saltash, Cornwall, Tory Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 5 June 1739.

On 19.5 x 19 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment of £9 11s 8d on an annuity. With signature of witness 'E Clark'. For more information on Carew, see his two entries in the History of Parliament.

[ Sir Richard Hoare, banker. ] Autograph Signature ('Richard Hoare') on part of Exchequer Receipt, as assignee of 'Seth Connell'.

Sir Richard Hoare (1648-1719), founder in 1672 of the oldest bank in the United Kingdom [ Hoare's Bank; C. Hoare & Co. ]
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 30 April 1716.

On 17 x 11.5 cm. piece of paper, cut from an Exchequer receipt book. Firm signature, with thin vertical cancellation line traversing it, in good condition at foot of aged and damaged page. Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording payment of £10 11s 9d on an annuity.

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