Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent [Mr Blunt of Crewe].

John Brown
Publication details: 
29 May 1859; 'Edinburgh 23 Rutland St'.

Scottish essayist (1810-82). Two pages, 12mo. With mourning border. Good, but on discoloured paper, and with some glue staining to blank second leaf of bifoliate. Concerns the work for which Brown is remembered, 'Rab and his friends' (1859). If he is ever at Crewe he will 'certainly avail myself of Mrs. Blunt's & your very gratifying invitation. His wife is 'more delighted, I think, with your letter about "Rab" than by any other - & she has kept it - being like all good wives greedy of her husband's praise.' Signed 'J. Brown'.

Engraved election certificate of 'The New York Historical Society', with engraved illustration by Simond, engraved by Durand, of 'The arrival of Henry Hudson on the 4th. Septr. 1609'.

The New York Historical Society [Louis Simond (1767-1831); Asher Brown Durand (d.1869)]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1830?]. [New York.]

Printed on one side of a piece of thick wove paper, watermarked 'G REIG', roughly 53 x 41 cm. Worn and a little spotted and grubby, with creasing and wear to extremities, but good overall, with text and design clear and entire. Handsome boldly designed certificate. Not filled in and with no manuscript additions whatsover. The illustration, an oval roughly 12 x 17 cm, shows the ship approaching white cliffs on shore, with a boat containing seven natives in the foreground.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Savoir'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Major'.

'Alfred Savoir' (1883-1934, pen name of Alfred Poznanski), French dramatist and editor of Polish/jewish extraction
Publication details: 
Paris, 37 rue Bassano; date not stated.

One page, quarto. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with strip from mount adhering to right-hand margin. He is pleased to be of assistance to General Ponsonby and his officers, and is happy to agree to the authorisation for Banso, as far as it concerns him. His English rights have been purchased by Curtis & Brown of London, to whom application must be made. He does not think they will ask for any remuneration. Asks the recipient to pass on his respects to the general, and in a postscript wonders whether he can tell him a good story concerning a lion hunt.

Coloured advertisement featuring cartoon by P. Webb.

C. A. Stonehill, Inc., booksellers of New Haven, Connecticut [Charles Archibald Stonehill]
Publication details: 

Dimensions roughly nine inches by three and a half wide. Creased and somewhat aged, with traces of previous blue paper mount on reverse. The cartoon, which occupies just under the top half, shows three hillbillies watching a fourth chalk crosses onto a farmyard wall, with the caption 'Somebody told him 'bout a old age pension . . . he's practicin' to sign up fer it.' Beneath this 'ATTENTION! | C. A. STONEHILL, Inc. | Rare Books and Manuscripts | IS NOW LOCATED AT | 198 1/2 YORK ST. | SECOND FLOOR | NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT | Come In and Browse'.

Unsigned Typed Letter; with two-page Typed Letter from 'The Advertisers'; both to Morley Stuart, Croydon House, Pelham Road, Seaford, Sussex.

George Thompson Brown Davis [John Wilbur Chapman; Charles McCallon Alexander]
Publication details: 
Letter from 'The Advertisers': 20 July 1908, Birmingham [England]; letter from Davis: 27 November 1908, 158 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

American evangelist (1873-1967), founder of the Pocket Testament League and the Million Testaments Campaign. One page damp-affected but text clear, some creasing. The letter from Davis is mounted on a leaf from an autograph album, and the two leaves of the other item are both glued along one edge to the same leaf. Letter from the Advertisers, two pages (on two leaves of different size), quarto. Some words of text on second leaf obscured through first leaf being glued over left-hand margin of leaf, but legible through paper of first leaf.

Manuscript Indenture (counterpart of Lease of Brown's premises at no. 342 Strand), on parchment, signed by Brown.

Alexander Brown, nineteenth-century bookseller in the Strand, London [Smith and Guscotte, Solicitors, 19 Essex Street, Strand]
Publication details: 
26 July 1865, London.

Fifty-two long lines of text, on one side of a single piece of parchment, roughly inches by. '[...] Between John Guscotte of No. 19 Essex Street Strand [...] and Alexander Brown of No. 342 Strand in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Book Seller'. A ten-year lease for a consideration of sixty pounds and yearly rent of one hundred and four pounds. Includes conditions relating to the upkeep of the premises, whitewashing of the walls, display of advertisements, etc.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Miss Rowland Grey' [pseudonym of Lilian Kate Rowland-Brown, 1863-1959].

Emile Cammaerts
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Belgian writer (1878-1953), author of the fairy-tale 'The two hunchbacks', set to music by Frank Bridge. One page, quarto. Poor, on discoloured, creased paper with several closed tears. He thanks her for her letter and has 'written to Miss Sands to ask her if she could not possibly alter the date as I have another lecture on the same day, at night. But if impossible, I will come all the same.' Signed 'Em Cammaerts'. Docked in pencil, by 'HSJ', 'Dec: 4. 1915. I heard M.

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