
[ Lecoq de Boisbaudran's ''méthod de dessin''. ] Manuscript letter, signed by Baron Subervie of the Légion d'honneur, [ to Lecoqde Boisbaudran ] commending the system, with a manuscript report on it, signed by the archaeologist Désiré-Raoul Rochette.

Jacques Gervais, Baron Subervie (1776-1856); Raoul-Rochette [ Désiré-Raoul Rochette ] (1790-1854) [ Horace Lecoq de Boisbaudran (1802-1897); Légion d'honneur; Académie des Beaux-arts ]
Publication details: 
Subervie's letter on letterhead of the Chancellerie de la Légion d'honneur [ Paris ], 20 August 1848. Désiré-Raoul Rochette's report of 17 January 1852 on letterhead of the Institut de France, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Paris.

Both items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Small closed tear on fold of MS Report. Both in French. ONE: Subervie's letter. 1p., 8vo. Subervie considers the 'méthod de dessin', which he suggested should be put before the Légion d'honneur, to be 'infiniment superieure au precédés employé jusqu'a present pour l'enseignement du dessin'. A paragraph on 'les jeunes eleves' follows, and Subervie concludes by urging him to continue his trial, 'deja si heureux'. TWO: 'Rapport sur la méthode d'enseignement de M.

[printed art exhibition catalogue] Société des Beaux-Arts. Notice des ouvrages d'Arts exécutés par des Artistes vivants et exposés aux salles de l'Hôtel-de-ville de Malines le 25 septembre 1814,

Société des Beaux-Arts, Malines [Mechelen; Mechlen; Belgium; P. J. Hanicq; art catalogue; Belgian painting]
Catalogue. Société des Beaux-Arts, Malines
Publication details: 
[1814.] A Malines, De l'imprimerie de P. J. Hanicq.
Catalogue. Société des Beaux-Arts, Malines

12mo, 22 pp (followed by final blank leaf). Stitched pamphlet. Text clear and complete. On discoloured and worn paper. 152 'ouvrages d'arts' arranged in alphabetical order under the names of the artists, from 'François Alewaters, peintre à Malines' and 'Henri Adams, à Malines' to 'G. P. Wuyts, de Lierre' and 'L. Zwitzer, de Malines'. Preliminary notice headed 'Police du Salon'. Scarce: no copy on WorldCat or COPAC.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E. Beulé'), in French, to (severally) Messieurs Jalabert and Duvivier, and an unnamed woman.

Charles Ernest Beulé (1826-1874), French archaeologist and politician [Jalabert; Duvivier]
Publication details: 
The letters to Jalabert and Duvivier without date or place; the letter to the woman dated '<?>, 16 Novembre [no year]'.

All three letters 12mo. The letter to Jalabert (with a mourning border) is 2 pp, the others 1 p each. All three in good condition. The Jalabert letter (18 lines) mentions his wife and 'M. Goupil'. The Duvivier letter (6 lines) is a letter of introduction to a 'Monsieur Pietsch, artiste distingue de Berlin'. Asks him to give the artist 'toutes les facilités pour visiter l'Hémicycle de Delaroche et la galérie des Plâtres'. The letter to the woman (11 lines). His return has been delayed by the death of the King of Portugal.

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