[ Hugh Hume-Campbell, 3rd Earl of Marchmont. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Marchmont'), the second concerning the 'Great Seal' and the death of Andrew Pringle, Lord Alemoor.

Hugh Hume-Campbell, 3rd Earl of Marchmont [ Lord Marchmont; in youth styled Lord Polwarth ](1708-1794), Scottish politician, Governor of the Bank of Scotland, 1763-90 [ Andrew Pringle, Lord Alemoor ]
Publication details: 
Both from London. 18 February 1766; 18 April 1776.

Both letters 1p., 4to. Both on bifoliums with second leaf docketed. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: London; 18 February 1766. He begins with reference to the sending of two bills to 'Mr. Fairholme', then turns to the question of a receipt for 'Rob: Minto', which he provides, with its own signature, at the end of the letter. He then states that as a result of 'Mr Pringles Letter' he has 'lost hopes of Lord Nisbet'. Finally he says that he has 'had a Letter of form from Billie notifying Widderburn's Death'. TWO: London; 18 April 1776. Docketed 'Great Seal'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'J Rose Innes') from Sir James Rose Innes, and one letter from his wife ('Jessie Rose Innes'), all to Lady Bower.

Sir James Rose-Innes (1855-1942) and his wife, born Jessie Dods Pringle (d.1943) [Lady Maud Bower (born Maude Laidley Mitchell), wife of Sir Graham Bower (1848-1933)]
Publication details: 
Sir James's letters: 1935, 1936 and 1939. His wife's letter: 1937. All four on letterheads of Kolara Farm, Gibson Road, Kenilworth [South Africa].

All items good, on aged paper, with Lady Rose-Innes' letter in its envelope. Bower and Rose-Innes had worked together when the former was Imperial secretary to the High Commissioners for Southern Africa at the time of the Jameson Raid. Rose-Innes three letters are dated 17 October 1935 (12mo, 4 pp), 9 July 1936 (12mo, 4 pp) and 13 April 1939 (12mo, 4 pp). All are closely and neatly written. In the first letter Rose-Innes describes a journey 'through the S.

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