
Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Arthur Taylor.
Publication details: 
No place, 28 May (no year).

Printer to a publisher. One page, 8vo, some marks, mainly good. "Sir/ You must be quite aware that it is not usual for a Printer to be sent about to seek Payment out of the proceeds of a work./ I must again request that you [underlined] will arrange the settlement, which has already been deferred far beyond the time." There is an Arthur Taylor in Brown (i.e -see also Todd - good info.

Two autograph Notes Signed to James Maclehose (publisher) and {James Maclehose].

J.M. Mackenzie.
Publication details: 
No date (addressed to Maclehose) and 1 Melville Street, Portobello, 6 July 1842.

One page and two pages (1842), 12mo, bifoliate, former has recipeint's name on verso of second leaf, textsa clear and complete. (No date) "My dear Sir,/ There are two commas wanting in the last proofs. I have indicated their proper places; and I charge you to see them supplied under pain of being indicted before the Editor himself for treasonable insubordination." (1842) "My dear Sir,/ I will send you, by Friday's post, the first part of the next article, and by Monday at the latest, the second.

Typed Note Signed "Enid", with manuscript addition, to Mark Bonham-Carter.

Enid Bagnold.
Publication details: 
Rottingdean, Sussex, 12 Nov. 1945.

Novelist and playwright (DNB). One page, 8vo, fold marks, good condition. She wants the names and addresses of his "party" (presumably a group who will visit her), adding: "You are quite right not to come up to London for cocktail parties, but I'm sorry all the same and wish you were." She adds in manuscript "I'm now really thinking it all fun - & no trouble at all (well - trouble it is - but pleasant & gay trouble)."

Autograph Note Signed to "Hunt".

Evelyn Wood.
Publication details: 
No place of date.

Field-Marshal. One page, 8vo, slight blotching but text clear if hard to read in parts. He says that "Sir John [is] much better. Pronounced out of immediate danger. We only fear sudden excitement or [?] . . ."

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed female correspondent.

Copley Fielding.
Publication details: 

Artist. One page, 4to, tears on folds, but text clear and complete. He is annoyed at not meeting up and discusses his much-felt loss of a brother. "His death was as tranquil as his life." He sends good wishes to the Smiths.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mr Macdonald/ 87 Pall Mall".

David Wilkie
Publication details: 

Painter (1785-1841), two pages, 12mo, bifolitate leaf (damaged (adress intact), staining but text clear and complete. Text as follows: "Dear Macdonald/ I forgot to say yesterday that if you wanted a table for the room you should send to Mr Demoy Duke Street. I beg you will see about the bills at Reynells[?], and let me know what you did about the advertising last night and the night before. Put down in the list of subscribers the name of Samuel Whitbread Esq. 35 Dover Street. Proof. [name and following underlined].

Autograph Note Signed to "Roberts" (prob. David).

Thomas Webster.
Publication details: 
Kensington, 13 Sept. 1844.

Artist (DNB). Two pages, 8vo, fold marks but good condition, partly laid down alongside photograph, c.2" x 3". He expects Roberts to attend the same event and asks to share his "conveyance". He concludes that he "found Callcott in much the same state I left him."

Autograph Note Signed to A. Durham.

Martin Archer Shee.
Publication details: 
Cavendish Squate, no date.

Irish artist and writer (DNB). One page, 8vo, good condition. He cannot accept an invitation because the event clkashes with a meeeting of the Dilettante Society to which he is committed.

Autograph letter, third person, to [Ackermann].

Lady Gray[?].
Publication details: 
Sanford [?] Park, Chipping Norton, 11 Nov. 1811

Two pages, 4to, chipped, spike-hole, small loss, mainly readable.

Autograph Note Signed to a "Mr Jones", bookseller.

James Rendel Harris.
Publication details: 
54 Wood Rd, Whally Range, Manchester, 5 Jan. 1920.

Biblical scholar, archaeologist, and orientalist (DNB). One page, 8vo, faintly stained but text clear and complete, as follows:"Your list to hand I can certainly take the little collection of tracts, beginning "England's Warning". You may also send me the two Portsmouth tracts, & the Lilburn tract, the Titus Oates sermon & the oath of the Kings of England". Harris was at this time at the John Rylands Library, Manchester and may well have been ordering on their behalf.

Signature only.

Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place [1930].

Suffragette. "Yours affectionately, [typed] Emmeline Pethick Lawrence [autograph], c.4 x 1".Year added in another hand.

One Autograph Letter Signed and one Typed Note Signed to Walter Jerrold.

Arthur Waugh.
Publication details: 
Chapman & Hall Ltd, 11 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C., 22 Oct. 1915 (ALS) and ibid., 20 Oct. 1913 (TNS).

Publisher. (TNS) One page, 4to, about the next Thackeray dinner. He has lost his "papers about the Titmarsh Club" and adds an apology in his hand. (ALS) Two pages, 8vo. He praises Ianthe Jerrold's latest poems effusively and at length, concluding that "I think we may expect her to take her place, and that no equivocal one, among the women-poets of her country." He goes on to how badly the Daily Telegraph has treated "us - you worse than me, of course, because I have still my office. He thinks they should rather have lost money in wartime than throw over loyal employees. Two items,

Autograph Letter Signed to De V. Payen-Payne.

Georges Lafourcade.
Publication details: 
a Negrepelisse, Tarn-et-Garonne, 22 June 1933.

Poet and biographer (La Jeunesse de Swinburne, 1837-1867. [With a bibliography.]) Four pages, 8vo, good condition. A very detailed defence of his work on Swinburne. For example, "[I] want first to assure you that there is here some misunderstanding: in my opinion, you have no real justification for speaking of" the unfair treatment I have meted out to your Father". If I have had to quote contemporary documents in which unfavourable comments are made, it's always clear that I do not profess to share those views". He has in fact suppressed material in Swinburne's correspondence with W.M.

Autograph Note Signed to R. Sunter, Bookseller, Stonegate, York.

<?> Hearn.
Publication details: 
Salisbury, 30 March 1844.

One page, 4to, spike-hole, fold and other marks, text cleaar and complete. "Sir,/ Some months back, you informed me that "The Monastic Ruins of Yorkshire would be shortly ready, and you engaged to send me a copy to my Town Agent, (Jas. [underlined] Gilbert, 49 Paternoster Row) as soon as the new Edition appeared. I trust that it is now ready; and I will thank you to send me two [underlined] copies (instead of one) of the cheapest [underlined] edition, as I have no doubt I shall get a second subscriber as soon as the work can be seen . . . [signature] . . . P.S.

Autograph letter signed to Triphook, 21 Golden Square.

Publication details: 
Tenby, 2 Feb. 1829.

One page, 4to, small tears, small piece missing, dulled, fold marks, spike hole, but text readable. "If you will go to Cockburn & Cos branch at Whitehall they will pay you £5.8- I am sorry it escaped my memory. I enclose you a list of the contents of 5 vols of Old Plays which I am offered - & I wish you would tell me what they are worth./ There is also here a book dedicated to Lord with the following title Page of which I wish you would tell me the probable value[.] Englands Improvements by Sea & Land &c. By Andrew Yarranton Printed by R.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Martin] Tupper, miscellaneous writer (1810-1889)[?].

R. Seeley (Robert Benton Seeley).
Publication details: 
54 Fleet Street, 20 Sept. 1871.

Publisher, philanthropist and author (1798-1886). Two pages, 8vo, bifoliate, good condition. "Dear Mr. Tupper,/ I hope to send you a proof tomorrow./ I am afraid we shall have to throw Foley over altogether, as we shall probably begin a new series next year in place of the "English Artists"./ I almost think we are full for the next three numbers, but if there should be space for the short articles you mention [page 2] I will let you know . . ."

Autograph note signed to Jeffery, Pall Mall.

Lady Midleton.
Publication details: 
Peper Harow, 12 Nov. 1815.

d.1852 (Burke). Maria Benyon m. 4th Viscount Midleton 13 June 1797 (second wife). One page, 8vo, some marking and chipping but text clear and complete. "Lady Midleton wishes to know whether Mr. Jeffery [sic] has any number of the Quarterly Review published since <"that" excised> Janry. 1815 as she has not received any - the 24th. Number completes the volume---"

Autograph note, third person, to [James?] Carpenter, bookseller..

Lady Anne Culling Smith.
Publication details: 
Hampton Court, Friday, no date (watermark 1798, bookseller note says 1800).

One page plus address page conjoint, 8vo, grubby, spike-hole, small portion torn off with opening of seal not affecting text, text clear and complete. "Lady Anne Culling Smith begs Mr. Carpenter will send her down by the stage to:morrow Eveng Mrs. Riche's Nocturnal visit together with her Maid of the Hamlet & Vicar of Lansdown." Note on address page by bookseller "Lady A. Smith/ 1800".

Autograph letter, third person, to Clarke (William with Hamilton/Beckford connection).

Marchioness of Douglas.
Publication details: 
Hamilton Palace, 4 Dec. (no year - after 1810-marriage) and before 1819 -he becomes Duke of Hamilton)

Susan Euphemia Beckford ("one of the handsomest women of her time" (quoted in DNB), 7 m. Marquis of Douglas in 1810. Two pages, somewhat grubby but text clear and complete. "The 5 Vols: of Grimms[sic] Correspondence which Mr. Clarke sent to Gros[veno]r Place for the Marchioness of Douglas are just arrived at Hamilton Palace in a Case wh.

Autograph note, third person, to [Ackerman].

Baroness Howe
Publication details: 

Two pages, 7.5 x 4.5, page trimmed without obvious loss, spike-hole, text clear. "Instead of the Repository[underlined] of Arts[underlined] for November/ which is the Magazine which the Baroness Howe has taken from its first publication/ Mr Akerman [sic] has sent her a Magazine & a Bill for others of the same sort, which she has never had. She desires therefore that he will instead send her The Repository [underlined] of Arts [underlined] for November [underlined].

Autograph note, third person, to "Mr Byfield, Stationer".

W.D. Adams.
Publication details: 
Great Queen Street, Monday, 10 March 1806.

(See Boase, Adams b. 1775 d. 1862, confidential secretary to William Pitt [for whom Lady Hester Stanhope kept house for a time], May 1804-Feb.[Note] 1806). One page, 4.5 x 10", damaged and stained but text readable, most clear. As follows: "Lady Hester Stanhope has desired me to order the Morning Post [underlined] to be sent to her at Dawlish near Teignmouth Devonshire/ Have you done anything about the Port Folios[both words underlined] which I sent for some days ago?" Byfield appears in Brown's London Publishers.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent [Burney?]

Samuel Butler
Publication details: 
Shrewsbury, 12 Dec. 1823.

Classical scholar, headmaster of Shrewsbury, Bishop of Lichfield (1774-1839). One page, 4to, good condition. He has seen than his correspondent is a subsciber to "the adult orphan scheme" and solicits his vote for the sister of a pupil of his of whom he gives details including that she is one of twelve children of a deceased vicar, none of whom have yet been provoded for. He suggests places they might meet. In a postscript he mentions that his correspondent will receive a book of his.

Autograph letter signed to Rev. W.Tuckwell.

William S. Savory.
Publication details: 
66 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, 20 Oct. (no year- 1871?).

Surgeon and medical writer (1826-1895). Two pages, 8vo. As follows: "Let me acknowledge the pleasure with which I have read your paper on the obstacles to Science teaching in school. It is by such efforts as yours, and I think in this way only, that the obstacles will be overcome."

Autograph letter signed to Dawson Turner, antiquary, and autograph letter signed to George Stokes.

John Bruce.
Publication details: 
South Quay, 15 Oct. 1849[?] and Clifton, 15 July 1842.

Scottish antiquary (1802-1869). (To Dawson Turner) Two pages, 8vo, good condition, citing the brevity of his stay in Yarmouth as his reason for not visiting and accepting an invitation. "On some future occasion you will perhaps allow me the gratification of seeing some of the book treasures you have the happiness to possess." (To George Stokes) One page, 8vo, good condition. He has received Stokes's letters but has anticipated his "wishes and corrections. "I returned the sheet marked merely "for press," but no doubt the printers will proceed with it immediately".

Autograph letter signed to the Dean of Westminster.

Benjamin C. Brodie.
Publication details: 
26 Dec. <1847?>

The Elder. Surgeon and physiologist (1783-1862). Two pages, 8vo. He is sorry to find that the Dean and his wife are ill, and that he cannot accept an invitation.

Autograph quotation signed.

Martin F. Tupper.
Publication details: 
Brecon, 1858.

Miscellaneous writer and inventor ( (1810-1889). One page, 8vo. Text as follows: "O glorious sea of mountains in a storm,/ &c &c/ Martin F. Tupper:/ for the Revd James Newman's Church Bazaar./ 1858 Brecon."

Autograph letter signed to [Rev. W. Tuckwell].

F.W. Farrar
Publication details: 
Harrow, 1 April 1868.

Divine, novelist, philologist and theological writer (1831-1903). He will get very great pleasure from being present at the laying of the foundation stone "of your new school" [in Taunton}. He goes on to describe the progress Harrow has made in science education ("All these changes are signs of the time". "I shall be very glad to have the honour of being present at the extension of a school so distinguished for efforts in this direction . . .". In a postscript he wonders if guest participation in a porcession involves "academical dress".

Autograph letter signed to John Graham Lough, sculptor (DNB).

Peter Coxe.
Publication details: 
16 Wilmot Street, 15 June 1831.

Poet and auctioneer (d.1844). Four pages, 4to, with many changes in his hand, especially on first page (draft?), good condition. He argues that the poem he is sending Lough, "Social Day" [which he published in 1823] contains no rhymes about Lough's sculptures because he couldn't do them justice. He adds more (and more!) compliment, referring to specific works (Samson, David,Mazeppa, etc.), waxing poetical. He wishes him health "to pursue [his] exertions" and remain an ornament to his country.

Autograph note signed to "Clarke".

John Wilson Croker.
Publication details: 
Gosport, 11 Dec. 1846.

Politician and essayist (1780-1857). One page, 8vo, good condition, saying "My carriage will meet you at the Gosport Station tomorrow, Saturday, a 1/4 past 3.

Autograph letter signed to the Rev. W. Tuckwell.

J.G. Fitch
Publication details: 
Education Department, Whitehall, 7 August 1877.

Educationalist (1824-1903). Four pages, 8vo. He thinks a "paper detailing [his] experiences would be very generally interesting, and would deserve a wide publicity." He feels that to discuss it at a meeting of the Council of the British Association would be contrary to his campaign to have such meetings limited to "questions purely scientific and relegating all discussion of social, economic & quasi-political topics to the Social Science Association". But, since this policy has not yet been adopted he feels able to do something.

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