[The United Relieving Officers' and Masters' of Workhouses Superannuation Society.] Printed notice of a meeting to found the Society, describing its objects and rates of payment. Signed by temporary secretary William Scudding.
2pp., 4to. On first leaf of a bifolium, with reverse of second leaf addressed (with postmarks) to 'The Relieving Officers | Basingstoke Union | Hants'. In good condition, on aged paper. The document carries the signature of 'Wm. ', and is made out 'To the Relieving Officers and Master of the Workhouse of the [Basingstoke] Union.' The first paragraph reads: 'Gentlemen, | A meeting of Relieving Officers and Masters of Workhouses will be holden at the Fighting Cocks Inn, in Thame, in the County of Oxford, on Saturday, the Eighteenth day of November, instant, at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon, which will be the foundation day of the above Society, when the Rules, revised by the Committee appointed at the last meeting, for the government thereof, will be submitted for approval, and signature [sic] those persons desirous of joining the said Society.' The document proceeds to describe the 'object of the Society', and lists 'the annual sum to be paid by members quarterly, according to age, at the time of admission, to secure the allowance above named'. There are eight age bands, from '21 to 25' (receiving an 'Annual Sum' of £4 4s 0d) to '55 - 60' (receiving £10 10s 0d a year). Scarce: no copies located on COPAC or WorldCat, and no reference to the Society (which may have changed its name on foundation) in The Times.