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Author, Title, Summary Price
Squire Bancroft

Autograph letter signed to the actress Hilda Trevelyan (1880-1959),

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. Congratulating her on her performance in J. M. Barrie's "What Every Woman Knows". "Dear Miss Trevelyan / I had the pleasure to take Lady Bancroft to-day to see your admirable performance of a very difficult part: she was as pleased...

Squire Bancroft

Autograph letter signed to unnamed female correspondent,

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. One page, 12mo. He apologises for not being able to be of service in the way she wishes. "I find it necessary to limit the "Readings" to teh aid of hospitals."

Squire Bancroft

Autograph note signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. One page, 12mo. "We have been obliged to refuse such a great number of very similar requests that I am sure you will understand how impossible it is to make exceptions." Signed "S. B. Bancroft". Small pieces of glued paper from previous...

Squire Bancroft

Autograph note signed,

English actor-manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1897. " "I don't pretend to be a particularly good sort of fellow: nor a particularly bad sort of fellow" / Caste. act I. / Jo. / S. B. Bancroft" Bancroft gave one of his finest performances as Captain Hawtree in Caste (1867). Negligible traces of...

The Gambia

Autograph letter from the Secretaries of the (self-styled) Gambia Committee to Gisborne Molineux

2pp, 8vo, remains of tape indicating from album, headed "Gambia Committee, 3 King Street, Westminster, "We beg respectfully to inform you that a Deputation to protest against the proposal to cede the River Gambia to France, will wait upon Earl Carnarvon ........" Thjey request Molineux's...

Thomas Dyke Acland

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent

Politician and philanthropist (1787-1871). His correspondent has asked him if he will interest himself in the general Turnpike Act during the present session. He says that no interest has been shown in such a thing in Parliament.

Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Nondescript Tory politician (1780-1858). 2 pp, 12mo. "I do not feel right & am naturally apprehensive! / Should it come on - am I - after so short an interval to take the <?> remedy? I am now going out & shall return before hour - / your faithful servt / Haddington".

Thomas Spring-Rice, 1st Baron Mounteagle of Brandon in Kerry

Autograph note signed to Sir <Morton?> [?],

Politician (1790-1866). One page, 12mo, on mourning paper. "My dear Sir / As the writer of the enclosed refers to you I hope you will excuse me for giving you the trouble of reading his letters with a view of knowing your opinion of his <?> & character". Signed "Mounteagle"....

Thomas Welsh

Autograph letter signed to unknown (part of name torn off)

English actor, vocalist and composer (1781-1848). On epage, 4to, creased and chipped with loss only of part of correspondent's name (which ends "...uin"). A significant letter about the Argyll Rooms, the major musical venue of its time. Letter as follows: "If the Licence formerly held by Col....

Tom Heslewood

autograph letters signed (x 2).

Actor and costume designer (1868-?). The first letter, docketted "Alas poor Tom -", to Miss Grosvenor, 4 December 1940, 18 Selwood Terrace., 2 pp, 8vo. He apologises for not being able to attend any of her at homes. "I have been at Plymouth & Cardiff the last fortnight with H. B. Irving [...

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