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Author, Title, Summary | Price | |
Sir John Duke Coleridge, 1st Baron Coleridge Autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent, Lord Chief Justice of England (1820-94). 2 pp, 12mo. "I could have asked to be silent to-night but I cannot refuse to answer for the guests on an occasion so interesting & on which I am very proud to be present". Postscript: "Can you give me any idea of who the guests are, & about what... |
£45.00 | |
Sir John Eldon Gorst Autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent, Lawyer and politician (1835-1916). "Dear Sir / I have so many calls on my resources & already subscribe to so many Cricket Clubs in Chatham that I fear I shall not be able to comply with your request - / Yrs very faithfully / J. E. Gorst". With traces of previous mounting to the reverse of... |
£40.00 | |
Sir John Hollams Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Peacock, Solicitor (1820-1910). 3 pp, 12mo. An informal letter. "We were all much pleased at hearing of your good husband's promotion and we were glad to find you are in a pleasant part of the country. [...] All are I am thankful to say well - Fred recently had a very alarming accident in London". Four... |
£20.00 | |
Sir Marshal James Clarke Autograph letter signed to Miss Lanyon, South African colonial administrator (1841-1909). 2 pp, 12mo. He and Lady Clarke would have been pleased had Mr and Mrs LanyonSigned "Marshall Clarke". "[...] had your stay allowed I would have made a point of going to Durban [...] Sir Owen Lanyon [Sir William Owen Lanyon, 1842-1887, colonial... |
£45.00 | |
Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff Autograph note signed to Miss Griffiths, Liberal politician and author (1829-1906). One page, 12mo. "Your bracelet is all safe and I have <?> it up." Negligible smudging to one word. With a biographical cutting attached at the foot of the note. |
£25.00 | |
Sir Reginald Kennedy Kennedy-Cox Autograph letter signed to [John] Cabourn, Playwright and founder of Dockland Settlements (died 1966). 4 pp, 12mo. "So many apologies for taking you down to the Savoy for nothing, but the moment Mrs Potter told me she had to motor down to Staines I 'phoned all over the place in an attempt to stop you but I suppose it was too late. [...]... |
£45.00 | |
Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Tory prime minister Autograph fragment signed to an unnamed correspondent, A piece of laid paper, 4 inches by 2. "<...> humble Servant / Robert Peel". Grubby and with minor discoloration from previous mounting. |
£25.00 | |
Sir Robert Peel, 3rd Baronet Autograph fragment signed to an unnamed correspondent, Politician (1822-95), son of the Tory prime minister Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850). A biofoliate letter which has been cut into an irregular shape by an autograph collector. The first leaf, 1½ inches by 4½: recto, "Drayton Manor / Oct. 31. 1862 <...>"; verso, "<...> to the stopping of... |
£40.00 | |
Sir Robert Rawlinson Autograph note signed to John Kinahan, Civil engineer (1810-98). One page, 12mo. Dear Sir / I return the papers as you desire. / Having so many calls near home I fail to see how I am expected to support your . / I am / Yours truly / Robert Rawlinson". |
£40.00 | |
Sir Robert Romer Autograph letter signed to Sir John [?], English judge (1840-1918). 3 pp, 12mo. "[...] Amongst all the letters received by me on my retirement, none gave me greater pleasure than yours. You & I have known each other now for many years, & I have to thank you for the great kindness you have shown me throughout. I hope I may say... |
£30.00 |