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Author, Title, Summary | Price | |
Finn Wadsworth, John Chenevard, John Lawrence [American War of Independence, Connecticut Pay Table] Order to pay Captain Eliphalet Thorp. On piece of laid paper, dimensions roughly 7 1/2 inches by 6 inches. Browning, creased and discoloured, with some foxing and staining. Reads 'Sir | Pay Capt. Eliphalet Thorp Six hundred pounds - and charge the State . . . Pay Table Office March 6th 1780 | £600'. Signature of 'Saml written over... |
£250.00 | |
Francis Baring & Co [Sir Thomas Baring] Printed document with manuscript addition. 1 page, on paper approximately 8 inches by 10. Grubby, creased and frayed, with several closed tears. Some loss at head caused by breaking of seal. Informs George Stuart that 'a Remittance for Interest on American Stock' has been received from the Bank of the United States, and that 'we are... |
£100.00 | |
George Payne Rainsford James [G.P.R. James] Autograph Signature on fragment of letter. English novelist (1799-1860). On fragment of paper approximately 4 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 inches. In poor condition: creased and discoloured from previous mounting. Reads 'Your most faithful Servant, | G. P. R James'. Docketed on reverse 'March | - | Ap 28 | a 2 May'. |
£20.00 | |
Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant [Mrs Oliphant] Autograph Signature on fragment of letter. Scottish novelist (1828-97). On piece of laid paper, dimensions roughly 4 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches, with mourning border. Paper discoloured and stained from previous mounting. Reads '[...] convenient? - It would be very good of you and enable us to have a double pleasure - With kind regards,... |
£25.00 | |
Paul Belloni Du Chaillu French-born American traveller in the interior of West Africa (1831-1903). On piece of paper roughly 4 1/2 inches by 7 inches. In good condition although somewhat grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours very truly | Paul Du Chaillu | June 26th 1901'. Letterhead, with vignette in gold, gray and blue,... |
£85.00 | |
Queen Alexandra (Printed copy of?) Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent. Queen-consort (1844-1925) of King Edward VII. 2 pages, 16mo. Bifoliate, with recto of first leaf bearing a mourning border. Reads 'Marlborough House | I have read with great interest the Report of the work of the Field Force Fund and I hope the Appeal for Friends will meed with a generous... |
£25.00 | |
Samuel Carter Hall Autograph Note Signed to Richard Lehman. Journal editor and writer (1800-89). 1 page, 8vo. Creased and slightly discoloured, but in good condition overall. Cover of envelope pasted to back, reading 'for | Rd Lehman Esq | Newmarket Road | Norwich'. Reads 'Dear Sir. | I much regret that I have been unable to avail myself of your kindness... |
£25.00 | |
Thomas Baring Stamped frank with Autograph Signature. Banker and politician (1799-1873). 1 page. On piece of paper roughly 9 inches by 7 inches. Grubby and creased, with one edge damaged by breaking open of wafer. Reads '<?> first September | 1823. | Edw. Lawford Esqe | Drapers Hall | T<?> Baring London'. Circular stamp topped with... |
£20.00 | |
St George's in the East A collection of manuscript invoices and receipts relating to Church expenditure. Parish of St George's Middlesex also known as St George's-in-the-East to distinguish it from other St George's in London. It was designed by Hawksmoor. Approximately 50 (fifty) invoices and receipts ranging from scraps of 2 x 2" to 4to and folio pages, most approx. 3 x 6". Subjects include:... |
£500.00 | |
Jocelyn B. Wrightson, ed. Life of Thomas Wrightson 1839-1921. 4to. [vi] + 131 pages. In original yellow binding, grubby and stained, gilt on spine faded. Handsome production on fine paper. Frontispiece, 18 illustrations and pedigree. PRESENTATION COPY from the editor (the subject's son) to his mother-in-law, with accompanying letter (1 page, 16mo, 29... |
£150.00 |