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Author, Title, Summary Price
Harry Furniss.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Cartoonist. One page, 8vo, in blue crayon [?] smudged and slightly soiled. Text as follows: Punch Table // Dr. Sir/ I have had the opinion of the Punch staff & without hesitation all agree there is nothing whatever of Leech in it, neother the design, drawing or writing. There is not a touch...

Will Owen

Subscription of letter only.

Cartoonist. Subscription of letter as follows: "Believe me / yours faithfully / Will Owen", c.3.5 x 1".

R. D. & J. B. Fraser, of Ipswich, Felixstowe & Dieppe. [ANTIQUES, FURNITURE]

8 Autograph Letters Signed by [two different?] J. B. Fraser[s?] to the artist Shirley Slocombe.

The firm, apparently antique dealers (although it also bought and sold false teeth), was established in 1833. All items are addressed to Slocombe, with whom the family (to whom he was perhaps related by marriage?) were clearly on intimate terms. Grubby, dusty, creased, dogeared and with several...

Society of British Artists.

Illustrated ticket to 'Smoking Evening', addressed in manuscript to 'Mr. W. Dalziel' (the engraver William Dalziel, 1805-1873?).

Dimensions roughly 5 1/2 inches by 4 inches. Must predate 1887, when the prefix 'Royal' was added. Amusing modern-looking cartoon-style illustration by 'F C' of furious pipe-smoking pianist jumping up to hammer the keys, with his hair forming into the 'S' of 'Society', with moustachioed cigar-...

William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments [BOOKPLATES]

Fragment of Autograph with Signature; and bookplate.

Cousin (1690-1740) of the poet of the same name. Both fragment and bookplate are pasted to a piece of thin, discoloured card. The fragment, which is roughly 5 inches by 2 inches, is grubby annd rubbed. It reads, in Cowper's hand '13th July Exhibited to us under the Commission agt. Thomas Park |...

William John Thoms

Victorian studio photograph.

Antiquary (1803-85), first editor of Notes and Queries. Sepia. Dimensions roughly 2 1/4 inches by 3 1/2 inches. Faded image of a bespectacled Thoms knees upward, seated in profile at a table examining a small book on top of another book and leaning against a pile of six others. The oval is in a...

J. P. Gassiot, F.R.S.

On the observations made with a rigid specteoscope, by Captain Mayne and Mr. Connor, on a voyage to the Straits of Magellan.

8 leaves, 8vo, paginated [5-6] 7-19 [1]. Stitched: in contemporary brown plain wraps. In good condition, though folded in half lengthwise and with wraps rather grubby. Inscription reads 'Dr Tyndall FRS &c &c | from J P G'.

Sir Robert Peel [restoration of the Gold Standard, 1821]

Anonymous printed petition to one of the Houses of Parliament.

4 pages, 8vo. Pagination: [1] 2-3 [4]. A frail survival: paper grubby, discoloured and dogeared, with a few closed tears and some fraying to extremities, but the text clear and legible. A space at the beginning of the document for the insertion of the petitioner's name in manuscript has been...

Theodore Johannes Haarhoff

Autograph Letter Signed to C. H. Grinling with presentation copy of his pamphlet 'Spiritual evolution in South Africa'.

THE PAMPHLET: 8vo, 21 pages, in original blue printed wraps. Somewhat dusty and bumped in one corner but in good condition overall. Inscribed on title-page 'With the good wishes of the author'. THE LETTER: 1 page, 8vo. Grubby and with jagged closed tear to one edge not affecting text. He thanks...

Count Guglielmo Di Ludolf

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Slade (perhaps Frederic William Slade (1801-63), son of Sir John Slade).

Neapolitan Minister in London (died 1839). 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition, although creased and grubby. Crabbed handwriting. Formal letter, written in the third person. States that he received from Slade, in 1826, 'Two hundred and odd Pounds sterling as part of Prize money for the capture...

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