[Jean-François Raffaëlli, French realist painter associated with the Impressionists.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. F. Raffaëlli'), proposing a meeting with the recipient's friends, and thanking her for her defence of his work to the 'gens raffinés'.

Jean-François Raffaëlli (1850-1924), French realist painter, sculptor, and printmaker who exhibited with the Impressionists, admired by Huysmans and Degas
Publication details: 
'Dimanche'. 19 rue de la Bibliothèque, Asnières.

1p, 8vo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded once. The female recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'Chère Mademoiselle, | J'ai recu votre aimable lettre, et, demain Lundi, j'aurai le plaisir de rendre visite à vos amis Mr. & Mme. Palmer, au "Grand Hotel" à 6 heures du soir.' If the recipient could also be present at that time Raffaëlli would be 'fort heureux de vous y rencontrer et de vous remercier de vive voix de l'amabilité que vous voulez bien mettre à defendre mes oeuvres aupres des gens raffinés de votre belle Patrie'.

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