Printed document with a form which Firmin Didot has filled in and signed "Alfred Firmin Didot".
Printing family (famille des imprimeirs) and eminent collector. One page, 4to, chipped with small loss of text., torn along a fold mark, fragile. The printed form is headed as above with further details of the Society ("Maison de Retraite et de Sante en faveur des Artistes, des Hommes de Lettres et de Science") Firmin Didot has signed a declaration ("Adhesion aux Statuts") that he will adhere to the "Statuts de la dite Societe . . . et en consequence payerai comme Societaire ["simple" en manuscrit] le droit d'admission de Cinq francs et la Cotisation de ["Vingt quatre francs par an" en manuscrit] / Fait a ["Paris" - manuscrit; date, then signature also in manuscript. Followed by printed notes concerning the form.A small piece of paper has been tipped on to the top of the page with faded handwritten information about Alfred Firmin Didot ("Editeur, Rue Jacob . . .Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur