[Printed item, with chromolithographs by Kronheim & Co.] Thorley's Illustrated Farmers' Almanack and Diary, 1880.
[Joseph Thorley, Steam Printing Works, London; Joseph Martin Kronheim; Kronheim & Co., chromolithographic printers]
Publication details:
London: Joseph Thorley, Steam Printing Works, Thornhill Bridge, King's Cross, N. [Printed in 1879 for 1880.]
SKU: 15383
48pp., 12mo. In illustrated coloured printed wraps. In good condition for an ephemeral item: lightly aged and worn, with slight damage to back cover and spine of wraps. The Kronheim prints are in very good condition, and consist of the frontispiece 'From the Frying-pan' (a boy caught on a wall while trying to steal apples) and 'Into the Fire' (the same boy being dragged by the ear through the orchard by the farmer). With diary ('Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, &c.', 'Cash Account'), followed by relevant articles ('Tapeworm in Lambs', 'Condiment, Indispensable for Dogs, Goats, Rabbits, Poultry, &c.', 'Our Agricultural Portfolio', and so on). Scarce: no copy on COPAC.