Contemporary manuscript document describing in detail the 'Weights and Measures, &c. in use in Eskdale' [Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland], docketed 'Local weghts & measures &c 1855.'

Eskdale, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland; Weights and Measures, 1855 and 1874]
Publication details: 
[Eskdale, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland.] 1855 and 1874.
SKU: 12519

2pp., folio. In fair condition, on aged and lightly creased and chipped paper. The whole of the first page is filled in the same hand in two columns, with the first column beginning '4 Cops, 1 Peck, or "Sleek"; i.e. a sleekit peck - not a heaped one, as with potatoes or apples. | 4 pecks make 3 Imperial or Winchester bushels. | 1 Carlisle Bushel is 4. pks. 1 or 3 imp. Bushels.' The right-hand column begins: '1. Imp. Bush. of Barley weighs 56 lbs. The common sized cart will hold 24 pks. (or sleeks): or 18 Imp. Bush: a cart of white turnips will thus weigh 6 3/4 Cwts or 54 Stones [...] | 1 rood of mason work 36 sq. yds. | A ploughman's wage for a year is in money, say £12 . 0 . 0 | A Cows milk - 5 . 10 . 0 | 65 stones of meal - 5 . 0 . 0 [...]'. Other statements include 'A potato drill commonly 30 in. wide' and 'In weighing wool Mr. Borthwick gives net weight and weighs a pack at once allowing 4 lbs to every 10 stones as Cast. A packsheet should weigh 12 lbs - most of them - weigh more 12 1/2 & 13 lbs'. The reverse of the leaf carries nine lines in another hand, dated 1874, and is docketed 'Local weights & Measures &c | 1855.'