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Author, Title, Summary | Price | |
Alma Murray autograph letter signed to Albert Case, English actress (1854-1945). 2 pp, 12mo. "All my recitations are favorites just when I am reciting them - so the question you ask me is rather difficult to answer. - I love my work, so each bit of it has its special place in my heart. Sometimes - it may be a sad one or a merry one that I feel... |
£20.00 | |
Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff] autograph letter signed to Edward Draper, Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). 1 page, 12mo. "If you should be in the neighbourhood of the T. R. D. L on Saturday about 3 o'clock, I should like to see you, with any of your quaint music books in your pocket. Have you still got "the ", & "the Vicar still preaches that Peter &... |
£25.00 | |
Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff] Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). Portrait photograph, 3¾ inches by 2½, from the studio of Charles Watkins, 54 Chancery Lane, of a heavily-bearded Halliday looking to the right in jacket, coat and striped tie. The photographer's details and device are printed on the reverse of the mount,... |
£20.00 | |
Anna Caroline Steele Autograph note and pen and ink drawing signed to an unnamed correspondent Authoress. 2pp., 8vo, some staining marginally affecting text. She has drawn a devil carrying a book engulfed by flames with a woman hand on head saying "What & leave the world no copy". She adds a "Quotation by the Saturday Review" "Go go to H- & say I sent thee thither". She... |
£100.00 | |
Arthur Cecil autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Murray, [Real name Arthur Cecil Blunt]English actor (1843-1896). 2 pp, 12mo. "Dear Mrs Murray / I also was sorry not to put in an appearance on Sunday but I had a little work as you know to look over & after Douglas left me in the afternoon so many "casuals" dropped in that I could not well get out... |
£20.00 | |
Ashley Dukes one autograph note signed to Sybil Rosenfeld, English dramatist, theatre manager, and dramatic critic (1885-1959). One page, 12mo, in stamped envelope addressed in autograph. "Dear Madam / Thanks for your note; I will present myself at King's College at 5.25 on Thursday." |
£20.00 | |
Aubrey Hammond pencil sketch of stage-set signed, Illustrator (1893 or 1896-1940). Crude sketch in pencil, on piece of lavender paper, 6¼ inches by 3¾, of garret with two beds, headed "Housemaster", and with "Drorn [sic] in the dark at the Apollo - / - / Aubrey Hammond / 1936 -" written beneath it. Mounted on fragment of blue paper carrying... |
£45.00 | |
Augusta Katherine one autograph fragment signed, (died 1904), wife of Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar. Second daughter of Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond and Gordon. One page, 12mo. "<...> so unhappy / Y. most sincerely / Augusta K Saxe Weimar / May 6th / 83". Docketted beneath this "Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar. Two grease... |
£25.00 | |
Augustus Mayhew autograph letter signed to [Edward] Draper, Author (1826-1875). 2 pp, 12mo. "[...] You got me into a d - d mess with Nicholson but I promised him to say nothing about it so Mum's the word / Yours in expectation of a True Hoodian morceau". Traces of mount stuck to reverse. |
£20.00 | |
Austin Brereton autograph note signed to Clement Shorter Stage historian. One page, 8vo.He thanks Shorter for the loan of some books and asks for another. |
£25.00 |