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Author, Title, Summary Price
Alma Murray

autograph letter signed to Albert Case,

English actress (1854-1945). 2 pp, 12mo. "All my recitations are favorites just when I am reciting them - so the question you ask me is rather difficult to answer. - I love my work, so each bit of it has its special place in my heart. Sometimes - it may be a sad one or a merry one that I feel...

Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff]

autograph letter signed to Edward Draper,

Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). 1 page, 12mo. "If you should be in the neighbourhood of the T. R. D. L on Saturday about 3 o'clock, I should like to see you, with any of your quaint music books in your pocket. Have you still got "the ", & "the Vicar still preaches that Peter &...

Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff]


Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). Portrait photograph, 3¾ inches by 2½, from the studio of Charles Watkins, 54 Chancery Lane, of a heavily-bearded Halliday looking to the right in jacket, coat and striped tie. The photographer's details and device are printed on the reverse of the mount,...

Anna Caroline Steele

Autograph note and pen and ink drawing signed to an unnamed correspondent

Authoress. 2pp., 8vo, some staining marginally affecting text. She has drawn a devil carrying a book engulfed by flames with a woman hand on head saying "What & leave the world no copy". She adds a "Quotation by the Saturday Review" "Go go to H- & say I sent thee thither". She...

Arthur Cecil

autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Murray,

[Real name Arthur Cecil Blunt]English actor (1843-1896). 2 pp, 12mo. "Dear Mrs Murray / I also was sorry not to put in an appearance on Sunday but I had a little work as you know to look over & after Douglas left me in the afternoon so many "casuals" dropped in that I could not well get out...

Ashley Dukes

one autograph note signed to Sybil Rosenfeld,

English dramatist, theatre manager, and dramatic critic (1885-1959). One page, 12mo, in stamped envelope addressed in autograph. "Dear Madam / Thanks for your note; I will present myself at King's College at 5.25 on Thursday."

Aubrey Hammond

pencil sketch of stage-set signed,

Illustrator (1893 or 1896-1940). Crude sketch in pencil, on piece of lavender paper, 6¼ inches by 3¾, of garret with two beds, headed "Housemaster", and with "Drorn [sic] in the dark at the Apollo - / - / Aubrey Hammond / 1936 -" written beneath it. Mounted on fragment of blue paper carrying...

Augusta Katherine

one autograph fragment signed,

(died 1904), wife of Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar. Second daughter of Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond and Gordon. One page, 12mo. "<...> so unhappy / Y. most sincerely / Augusta K Saxe Weimar / May 6th / 83". Docketted beneath this "Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar. Two grease...

Augustus Mayhew

autograph letter signed to [Edward] Draper,

Author (1826-1875). 2 pp, 12mo. "[...] You got me into a d - d mess with Nicholson but I promised him to say nothing about it so Mum's the word / Yours in expectation of a True Hoodian morceau". Traces of mount stuck to reverse.

Austin Brereton

autograph note signed to Clement Shorter

Stage historian. One page, 8vo.He thanks Shorter for the loan of some books and asks for another.

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