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Author, Title, Summary Price
Charles Wyndham

one autograph letter to Mrs <?>,

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. 2 pp, 12mo. "We have been staging this week at Maidenhead (I going down nightly) in order to be neear to Henley. So Mrs W. has not had her letters. We are I know engaged on Tuesday - but we shall hope nevertheless to reach you before 2 am...

Charles Wyndham

typed note signed to Mrs [?] Halsey,

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 8vo. "I shall be delighted to come and lunch with you on Thursday, June 11th., if that will suit your convenience, and the invalid promises to be quite well by that time!" Traces of mount glued to reverse of blank second leaf.

Cyril Maude

autograph letter signed to his aunt Madeleine,

English actor-manager (1862-1951). 3 pp, 12mo. "Things are so terribly 'uncertain' with me just now. I am exceedingly busy every day arranging about a Syndicate which is to back us in a Theatre this Autumn added to this the latest play at the Comedy is not a success & we may be...

Cyril Maude

autograph note signed to Mrs Elizabeth Merivale (née Pitman), wife of the playwright Herman Charles Merivale [1839-1906, DNB],

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo. "Dear Mrs. Merivale, / I fear that it is not in our power to purchase rights in Charlotte Corday now, much as I should like to. / Yrs faithfully / Cyril Maude". Negligible traces of previous mounting.

Cyril Maude

typed letter signed to Mr [?] Ridley,

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo. "I am very sorry that I have never written before to thank you for your very kind letter about the performance. I am so glad the poor people liked it. It is a great blessing to be able to do anything for them."

Cyril Maude

typed note signed to Mrs Cabowon [in fact Edith Cabourn],

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 8vo. "Dear Madam / I regret to say that I cannot seemy [sic] way to recommending the enclosed plays to a Manager for production on my account. / I remain / Yours truly / Cyril Maude"

Cyril Maude

typed note signed to W. P. Drury,

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 4to. "My dear Drury, / Will you sup with me to meet some members of the company next Wednes day night at 11-45. [in MS] at the Service Club" With postscript in MS, "And to wish you bon voyage you know". Not in best of condition, with creasing and...

David James

autograph note signed to Trench Kirkpatrick,

English actor (1839-93). One page, 8vo, mounted on piece of paper with cutting from envelope addressed in autograph to "Trench Kirkpatrick Esq / Donacomper / Celbridge Court Kildare / Ireland". "Aint it ot it is awful ot." / Our Boys" / Faithfully yours / David James / Vaudeville Theatre /...

Denis Neilson-Terry

one autograph letter signed to [Thomas] Bass of Manchester,

English actor (1895-1932), son of the actor Fred Terry (1864-1932) and his wife the actress Julia Emilie Neilson (1868-1957). One page, 4to. "I must write to you now just to say how much I enjoyed your letter, & the great good-fellowship & hospitable sport, that prompted the sending of...

E. G. Harcourt-Williams

one autograph letter signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Actor and producer (1880-1957). He would have answered sooner had he not been waiting for a photograph "which has not yet arrived - however you shall have it when it does. Your letter was delightfully refreshing adn it is good to know that the stage has such valiant supporters." Signed "E....

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