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Author, Title, Summary Price
Erminia Rudersforff

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Maitland'.

Anglo-German soprano vocalist, mother of Richard Mansfield. 2 pages, 16mo. Grubby and creased, but in good condition overall. Written in purple ink in a small tight hand. She wonders whether the Maitlands have 'set me down by this time as the most illmannered and ungratefull of all beings',...

Frederick Keppel, Bishop of Exeter

Autograph Letter Signed to his agent [unnamed].

English ecclesiastic (1729-77; DNB). 2 pages, 8vo. On paper stained and discoloured, with several small closed tears. Amusingly bad-tempered missive. 'Sale, one of the singing men of this church, has told me that he intends putting out apprentice, one of his daughters, to Mrs Earles of...

George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge

Autograph Note Signed to Lady Stanley.

English aristocrat and military commander (1819-1904; DNB), grandson of George III and cousin of Queen Victoria. 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition despite minor discoloration and one ink stain. He asks her to forgive him for being unable to come to her house the previous day 'as I had most fully...

Robert R. Hamilton

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Dawson William Turner.

Turner (1815-85; DNB) was the son of the noted botanist and autograph collector. 4 pages, 16mo. Creased, stained and grubby. Odd cross between an offer of work and a begging letter. Marked 'Private'. From their 'former relations' Hamilton feels sure Turner will assist him as he did before, when...

William Byam Lane

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Watney [wife of Sir Frank Watney], together historical notes, two tracings and two small photographs.

English writer (1866-1945). The letter is 2 pages, 8vo, and the notes are 9 pages octavo. Neatly written on one side each of eleven matching leaves, all ruled with blue lines. In good condition overall, but with the paper somewhat discoloured, creased and ruckled, and with some rust stains from...

William Jacobson, Bishop of Chester

Autograph Note to the Editor of Debrett's Peerage.

English cleric (1803-84). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition. Formal letter written in the third person. Reads 'Chester, October 28, 1875. | The Bishop of Chester presents his Compliments to the Editor of Debrett's Peerage, &c, and has the satisfaction of stating that he has found no occasion...

[11 DOWNING STREET, WHITEHALL] Arthur Wellesley Peel, 1st Viscount Peel, and Sir Henry William Primrose

Autograph Letter Signed by Primrose to R. F. Ford, together with fragment of letter in Primrose's hand [as Peel's secretary?], signed by Peel.

Peel (1829-1912) was a Liberal politician and Speaker of the House of Commons. Primrose (1846-1923) was a Privy Councillor, Secretary to Gladstone and Speaker of the House of Commons. Both items are 3 pages, on 16mo bifoliates. Both are creased and discoloured. Between 1873 and 1874 Peel was...

[PUBLISHERS] Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.

Invoice to J. Houlgate of the Yorkshire Society, 23 Davygate, York.

2 pages, 8vo. Creased and with several small stains in blue and red. A printed invoice, ruled with blue and red lines, filled in in manuscript with a claim for fourteen shillings, 'To advertising in | The "Live Stock Journal," | Nos. 448 & 449' [November 3 and 10 1882]. Payment details in...

Arthur Anthony Baumann

Autograph Letter Signed to [Clement] Shorter.

English author (1856-1936). 2 pages, 8vo. In good condition. As Shorter has sent his letter to Baumann's home instead of to 'the office of the paper' it will be too late to insert it that week, 'as the paper was practically made up when I left this afternoon'. There are three letters dealing...

Bernard Boedder, S.J.

3 Autograph Letters Signed to William Matthews.

Catholic theologian, author of 'Natural Theology' (1891). All three letters are on 16mo bifoliates. The first two are 3 pages, and the last is 2 pages. All in good condition, but all with some discolouration and closed tears, and with pin marks in one corner. All three letters concern James...

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