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Author, Title, Summary | Price | |
Gerard Guttman [ Algeria; Les Prestataires; Foreign Labour Company; British Expeditionary Force; Pioneer Corps; the Holocaust ] An extremely interesting and moving if frail survival: items of various sizes, many discoloured, creased, frayed and stained. The first item, 'THE HISTORY OF THE PRESTATAIRES IN ALGERIA. | Dedicated by one of them to the Major, recruiter of Pioneers for the 337 Alien Coy. in Hussein Dey.' (two... |
£300.00 | |
Grevile M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A., Honorary Canon of Rochester Early Kent Maps. (Sixteenth century). Offprint of pp.247-77. Small 8vo. 4 plates, 3 of them folding. Foxed, loose copy with closed tear and crease to first leaf. In original light-brown printed wraps, which have become detached.. Presentation copy, with inscription to 'Mr. Edward Lynam from the writer' on front wrap. Manuscript... |
£45.00 | |
Guy Morgan Typed Note Signed to the Royal Society of Arts. Architect, town planner and foxhunter (born 1902). One page, quarto. Very good, with staple holes to top left-hand corner. Docketed in pencil. He has 'just returned from a trip in Egypt, conducted by Leonard Cotterell'. 'It occurred to me that it would be a good idea for him to give a lecture at... |
£25.00 | |
Herbert Cecil Ferraby [ADVERTISING; POSTER ART] Typed Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts. Naval author and journalist (died 1942). One page, quarto. Discoloured with age and with a few closed tears but in good condition overall. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'I should be obliged if you could let me have copies of any promotion matter which you have put out in recent years... |
£28.00 | |
James Moran Stanley Morison 1889-1967 [The Monotype Recorder, vol. 43, no. 3, Autumn 1968]. 32 pages, 4to. Unbound and stitched in original mustard-coloured printed wraps. 8 plates and numerous illustrations in text. Good only with some heavy creasing and a few pencil annotations. |
£25.00 | |
John Hudson Elder-Duncan Four Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts. English politician (1877-1938), MInister of Agriculture and Fisheries, and Secretary of the Architecture Club. All four items one page, quarto, and in very good condition. Last item with one inch closed horizontal tear (not affecting text). Three items stamped and two bearing the Society's stamp... |
£105.00 | |
Julian Mockford [SOUTH AFRICA] Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss J. Scott Rogers, | Acting Secretary, | Royal Society of Arts'. South African author and journalist (1898-1950), Public Relations Officer at the South African High Commission. One page, octavo. Very good if somewhat grubby. Docketed and stamped. 'Herewith the translation by a colleague, as asked for in your letter dated September 9. I hope "Here are South... |
£28.00 | |
Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Erskine-Murray [ROYAL ARTILLERY] Autograph Postcard Signed to the Editor, Royal Society of Arts Journal. British soldier (1877-1948): Boer War; General Staff Officer, Portland Fortress, Dardanelles, Suez Canal defences, etc., during Great War. C.B.E., D.S.O. and Cavalierr of the Order of the Italian Crown. Very good though somewhat discoloured with age. Dimensions five and a half inches by three... |
£32.00 | |
Oliver Armstrong Fry [VANITY FAIR] Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts]. Journalist (1855-1931), editor of Vanity Fair, 1889-1904. One page, quarto. Very good, if a little dusty. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. There is 'no apparent chance' of F. V. Brookes delivering his 'promised lecture' at the R.S.A. 'Of course I would be willing if necessary to read this... |
£33.00 | |
Rev. Allan Gairdner Wyon British sculptor (1882-1962) and 'MEDALLIST AND ENGRAVER | TO | HIS MAJESTY THE KING' (as per letterhead). All six items one page, quarto. All six signed 'Allan G. Wyon'. Five bearing the R.S.A. stamp and two docketed. All six very good though dusty (but see secretarial item below). ITEMS ONE (... |
£180.00 |