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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
I. M. C.' [i.e. Isabella M. Cronyn] (Lady Couchman)


Wife of railway engineer and administrator in India and Burma. Stitched 8vo pamphlet, in printed card wraps. In good condition. 16 pages. 6 poems: 'Lines written during a tour with my husband through Baluchistan into Persia, 1918', 'Written on the way to see the naval review, July 1935 (A...

Women £25.00
Inti Illapa' (pseud. of Santiago Pereda Hidalgo) [Peru; Peruvian]


8vo: xii + 64 pp. In original green wraps, printed in red with illustration on front, with printed signature of 'Inti Tupac', and large distinctive publisher's device on back. Good, on yellowed high-acidity paper, in faded wraps, with Yapp edges a little chipped. Inscribed on fly-leaf 'Para el...

Literature £250.00
[Christopher Fry [born Arthur Hammond Harris] (1907-2005), playwright] his brother Charles Leslie Harris (b.1902) [Bedford School]

[Christopher Fry: the schoolboy diaries of his elder brother Charles Leslie Harris.] Four years of diaries, 1916-1919, covering his time at Bedford School.

See Fry’s entry by Michael Billington in the Dictonary of National Biography. His brother survives as a rather shadowy figure: he was certainly alive in 1978, when Fry referred to him in the account of his family background ‘Can You Find Me / A Family History’ (OUP). In that volume Fry describes...

James Bridie' (Osborne Henry Mavor,1888-1951), Scottish playwright, screenwriter and surgeon

Typed Note Signed ('O. H. Mavor. | James Briddie') to Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Do forgive my delay. I had lost your letter!'

Literature £30.00
John Oliver Hobbes' (Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie, nee Richards, 1867-1906), Anglo-American Catholic novelist

Autograph Note Signed ('Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie') to unnamed male correspondent.

One page, 12mo. On aged and spotted paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse. Craigie's 'PMTC' monogram in top left-hand corner, and a red '45' in a red circle in top right-hand. Fourteen-line biographical cutting laid down along one edge. Reads 'Dear Sir | I have much pleasure in sending...

Women £50.00
W. W. Jacobs [William Wymark Jacobs] (1863-1943), English short-story writer, noted for his tales of the sea and ghost stories [Douglas Harold Hellier-Denselow, commercial artist]

[W. W. Jacobs, short story writer of tales of the sea and the macabre.] Autograph Note Signed to the commercial artist D. H. Denselow, thanking him for sending a letter with an illustration.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The recipient, whose name Jacobs gives as ‘D. H. Denselow Esq’, was the commercial artist and autograph hunter Douglas Harold Hellier-Denselow, whose studio was in Gunnersbury, West London. The note reads: ‘...

Lewis Melville' [Lewis S. Benjamin (1874-1932)], English author and actor

Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis Melville') to Messrs George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

12mo, 1 p. 7 lines of closely-written text. Clear and complete. On aged and slightly-grubby paper. He has received their letter regarding his 'Life of Thackeray', and appreciates 'the reason for your delay in deciding whether or no to issue a cheap edition. Undoubtedly the inclusion of my book...

Book Trade History £28.00
Max O'Rell' (Paul Blouet, 1848-1903), French humorous writer and journalist, Editor of the Paris 'Figaro'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Paul Blouët') in English to unnamed correspondent.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Giving details of a proposed lecture. He was to have been in Salford, Manchester, but the dates have been changed. Can only offer two dates. '<?> the two years' <?> has been a huge success & a most interesting journey by which we...

Literature £45.00
Max O'Rell' (Paul Blouet, 1848-1903), French satirical author and journalist

Autograph Signature on card.

Dimensions of card roughly two and three-quarter inches by four inches wide. Good, with light creasing to corners. Clear signature reads 'Yours very sincerely | Max O'Rell | 18 March 1895'.

Literature £10.00
Mischa-Léon' ['Mischa Leon'] [Harry Haurowitz (1889-?)], Danish tenor, Monte Carlo Opera [his wife Pauline Lightstone Donalda (1882-1970), 'Madame Donalda'; Russian tenor Vladimir Rosing (1890-1963)]

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mischa-Léon'), in English, to 'M. Rosing' [Vladimir Rosing].

8vo, 3 pp. Bifolium with dimensions of leaf 18.5 x 14 cm. Good, on slightly grubby and lightly creased paper. Small slip of paper mount adhering to one margin (not affecting text). Written in a bold and distinctive hand. He will not be able to make 'an appearance with "Lhada" [?]' as he is '...

Music and Theatre £65.00