Autograph Letter Signed "R.F. Littledale" to an unnamed correspondent.
Two pages, 8vo, bifolium, good condition. Colonel Hardy, Secretary of the English Church Union, has assured him that his correspondent can help in the matter in hand. Nameky, Dr Von Dollinger has informed him that "Padre Curci" [Jesuit, sometime ed. "The Catholic Civilisation"] "has been reduced to exctremely necessitous circumstances, and is even in peril of starvation, having ben suspended by the Pope from saying Mass, as a punishment for publishing 'Il Vaticano Regio'." He wonders if his correspondent can act as a conduit for the payment of £5 to Curci, having found his address, assumed in Florence. "And I should further be glad to know if P. Curci is in much needf, for I have little doubt that I could get some more help for him over here". Anglican controversialist helping a Jesuit controversialist.