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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’

[Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts], poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Wauchope', assistant to the Bond Street bookseller John Andrews

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. (BBTI has John Andrews with bookshop and circulating library at 167 New Bond Street from before 1831 to 1857.) 1p, 12mo. Addressed on reverse of second leaf for delivery by hand ('wait') to 'Mr Wauchope / at Mr Andrews' / 167. New Bond St.'. In good condition,...

Edmund Yates [Edmund Hodgson Yates] (1831-1894), Scottish journalist and author, friend of Charles Dickens, proprietor of The World newspaper

[Edmund Yates, journalist and author, friend of Dickens, proprietor of The World newspaper.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘A. Williams Esqre.’, regarding an ‘extract from the Liverpool Mercury’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged; folded for postage. Addressed ‘To / A. Williams Esqre.’ from ‘Edmund Yates.’ Written in purple ink. Reads ‘Dear Sir / I am much obliged to you for your politeness in forwarding me the extract from the Liverpool Mercury...

Edward Hubert Fitchew (1851-1934), artist and editor [Herbert Wrigley Wilson (1866-1940), journalist and naval historian; Her Majesty’s Printing Office, London]

[Edward Hubert Fitchew, artist & editor; Nelson] Autograph Letter Signed to Herbert Wrigley Wilson, discussing the printing of a book (‘Nelson and His Times’ by Beresford and Wilson, 1898). With two pages covered in notes in another hand (Wilson’s?).

An interesting item, providing a sidelight into the process of Victorian scholarly editing and publication. Fitchew’s letter is 2pp, 4to, on the outer pages of a bifolium; the inner pages being filled with notes (citations?) in a minuscule hand, possibly the recipient’s. In good condition,...

Printing History £220.00 Nelson
Geoffrey Jenkins [Geoffrey Ernest Jenkins] (1920-2001), South African writer, husband of Eve Palmer, friend of Ian Fleming, author of an unpublished James Bond novel [Eileen Cond, autograph hunter]

[Geoffrey Jenkins, South African journalist and novelist, friend of Ian Fleming and author of an unpublished James Bond novel.] Typed Letter Signed to the autograph hunter Eileen Cond, regarding his next novel ‘A Grue of Ice’.

Jenkins’s Bond book ‘Per Fine Ounce’, which he claimed was based on a diamond-smuggling storyline he had developed with Fleming in 1957, was rejected by Fleming’s production company Glidrose in 1966. The recipient Eileen Margaret Cond (1911-1984) of Honiton was an enthusiastic collector of...

Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler] (1892-1974), the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy, 1956 to1966

[Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler], the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed declining an invitation ‘to lecture on some Aspect of Renaissance Sculpture’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The year of the letter looks more like ‘1901’ than ‘1961’, but the letterhead names the writer as ‘Charles Wheeler, C.B.E., R.A.’ Addressed to ‘Dear Sir’ and signed ‘Charles Wheeler’. Having...

John Huntley [John Frederick Huntley] (1921-2003), film historian with the British Film Institute and television presentert [Huntley Film Archives; BFI; Harold Chipp; Cheltenham Gramophone Society]

[John Huntley, film historian with the British Film Institute.] Typed Letter Signed to Harold Chipp of the Cheltenham Gramophone Society, making arrangements for a lecture with his records.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with two small punch holes to one margin. Pencil notes at foot of page, with more notes in ink and pencil on the reverse. He begins: ‘I too a looking forward to my visit to Cheltenham on April 4th. I shall, as you say, be bringing my...

John Randolph of Roanoke (1773-1833), Virginia congressman, Thomas Jefferson's spokesman, Andrew Jackson’s Minister to Russia, leader of the ‘Old Republicans’ or ‘Tertium Quids’ [Jacqueline P. Taylor]

[John Randolph of Roanoke (1773-1833), Virginia congressman, Thomas Jefferson's spokesman, Andrew Jackson’s Minister to Russia, leader of the ‘Old Republicans’ or ‘Tertium Quids’.] Signed Autograph cheque to Jacqueline P. Taylor of Richmond City.

1p, landscape 12mo. Aged, worn and lightly discoloured. Laid down on larger leaf removed from an album. The text, all in Randolph’s hand, reads: ‘Pay to Jaqueline [sic] P. Taylor or bearer Fifty four Dollars 84 Cents / John Randolph of Roanoke / Decr. 22d. 1829. / To the Cashier of the Bank of...

History £250.00 Roanoke
Lady Wyndham [previously Sibell Mary Grosvenor (née Lumley, daughter of the Earl of Scarborough), Countess Grosvenor] (1855-1929), wife of George Wyndham [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), opera singer]

[Sibell, Lady Wyndham (previously Countess Grosvenor).] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Sibell Grosvenor’) to the opera singer Madame Albani, discussing the death of her father-in-law the Duke of Westminster.

See the entry on her second husband George Wyndham in the Oxford DNB. Wyndham had been appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland a few months previously (October 1900). His plans were ambitious, but after some success they would flounder, leading to a nervous breakdown: within four years of the...

Berta Ruck [Amy Roberta Ruck, Mrs. Oliver Onions] (1878-1978), prolific writer of romantic fiction, born in India of Welsh extraction [W. Macqueen-Pope [‘Popie’] (1888-1960), theatre historian]

[Berta Ruck, popular writer of romantic fiction.] Typed Letter Signed to the theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, asking for advice and praising his later book, with observations on reminiscence.

See her entry and his in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and slightly creased at extremities. Addressed to ‘My Dear Mr. MacQueen Pope’ and signed (in block capitals) ‘BERTA RUCK’. She begins by reminding him that ‘some years ago you were very kind to me when I was on the...

Earl of Abercorn [James Hamilton, 8th Earl of Abercorn (1712-1789); also Baron Mountcastle, Viscount Hamilton, Viscount Strabane], Anglo-Irish peer of Scottish descent

[Earl of Abercorn [James Hamilton, 8th Earl of Abercorn].] Autograph Letter Signed to soliciting a vote ‘at the approaching election of the Peers of Scotland’.

Abercorn was characterized by Walpole as ‘his taciturnity, the Earl’. His entry in the Oxford DNB describes him as ‘a patron of the arts, a builder, and the consolidator of the family's property and influence’. 1p, 4to. On recto of first leaf of bifolium, with verso of second leaf docketed and...
